Occasionally and I mean only occasionally do I come up with a craft all by myself. This is one of those times. I have been wanting to put the Love is like Pi... quote up in my living for a long time. My husband is an Mechanical Engineer and very much a nerd. So this quote was fitting. The problem was I did not know what to put with it.
Well a few months after my grandpa passed away, I went over to his house with my dad to get something. I saw this wooden thing hanging on the wall down stairs. I don't ever remember seeing it before. The house was mostly cleaned out with only a few things that would be left when the house was sold. I asked my dad if I could take this and he didn't mind.
It was covered in dust and silk flowers. I cleaned it up and hung it on the wall to see if I liked it and I did.
Now I want you to look super close at the picture... Most people see something that looks tiki
~The quote is by Lisa Hoffman~
Well it is a type of wood but not just any kind. Those are matches that had to have lighted one by one and blown out. Then placed carefully on to the wooden backing. It also has a stain finish.
I don't really know the story behind the piece of art. I should find it out though.
I can only imagine the time that went into it.
I can only imagine the time that went into it.
So even though I didn't make it. I cleaned it up, put pictures on it, and a quote below.
I tied two pieces of string around the board, painted some clothes pins black and hung the clothes
So not only is it vintage but I haven't seen anything like it on pinterest (which makes me happy) and that make it an original right?
If you want to attempt this you will need
a lot of matches
A lighter,
Some sort of epoxy glue,
a piece of wood to glue it too.
mini clothes pins
pictures of your choice.
I might also suggest that you draw some sort of blue print for it. I bet it could be tricky trying to placeing all those matches.
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