Thursday, February 28, 2013

Princess VS Princess

I have a theory in life all girls and women are Princesses! We are  Daughter's of a King, Our Heavenly Father. This is our birth right and we should live up to this title. This means to me that we should be treated and act like one. Now before I go any further, I think that it is up to each one of us to decide, what it means to act and be treated like a princess. This is different for everyone.

How to Act like a Princess
For me I want to people to remember me by serving, helping other's, having faith, being charitable, being willing to listen, having hope, being a peace maker, patient, kind, loving and the list could go on. I would like to say I am perfect at all of these, but in reality I am nowhere near perfecting these attributes. 

How to be Treated like a Princess
This is the royal question, how our we too be treated like a princess? This varies from person to person and what they deem appropriate. Personally I love having gentlemen open the door for me, letting me go first, offering to help carry something heavy. Each of these things I can do myself, I just find it to be nice when someone offers. Being treated like a Princess goes much deeper it means being respected. In order to be respected we must hold ourselves to standards of respecting others and conducting ourselves in manners that set examples. If we can recognize our own good qualities and appreciated them we can use to bring out the positive in others lives. How great is that?    

In recent months Ava has really taken to to liking Disney Princesses. At first I was worried and wonder if I needed to draw a line and banish the Disney Princesses from my home. I was so conflicted because it was so cute to see her dress up, dance, and imagine being one. There is also the false ideals that they represent and some negativity associated with them. Then it hit me, it is my choice to let her play with them. This meaning I could easily get rid of anything related to them and pretend they never existed and deal with the questions to where these toys, puzzles, shoes and whatever else went (most were gifts). I decided to make a choice of Not getting rid the Disney Princess stuff. 

My first reason was imaginative play is good for kids, these items have encouraged it. She not only has a few articles of clothing she uses too dress up like a princess but she also has pirates, cowboys and construction worker's she can dress up as. In my opinion it is great that she has theses different choices. The second is far most important to me, as her parents it is our responsibility to teach her the difference between Disney Princesses and to be a Princess of our Heavenly Father.  

For your enjoyment pictures of my little princess From this pass month. 

1 comment :

  1. There seems to be a lot of banning of Disney princess stuff these days, and I truly just don't understand why. I think it's healthy for children to pretend. Magic, fairy dust, handsome princes dancing with you at the ball... What's not to love, right? Yeah, there are some negative connotations to some of the stories. For example, some parents feel princess movies will give little girls a warped sense of entitlement, discourage independence, and promote poor body image. I'm sure these things are a huge concern, and I'd be worried about them too if I wasn't already teaching my daughter to be grateful for the things she has, the value of hard work, and that everyone is beautiful no matter how they look. I think you allowing Ava to indulge is fantastic!
