Thursday, February 14, 2013

Lemons Anyone?

When life gives you Lemons make lemonade. I am not sure who came up with term and don't really care to research the history of it. What I can tell you is that I don't like lemonade. So when life throws me lemons, I would prefer to throw it back and if bounces back and hits me... I"ll squish it with my shoe.

The problem with my theory is that when I squish them with a shoe they make a mess. These lemons that my family has been given, have NOT been fun. They have been some the sourest things, I have ever seen, heard and dealt with. When this mess of sour lemons is cleaned up, I will not miss it. I will continue to be grateful for it because I have learned a great deal about myself, sister's and parents.

There have been days, where I have been able to smell the fragrance of this lemons being cut open. It has been wonderful and has reminded me that no matter how hard this situation or situations get, that burdens have been lifted and smaller ones have been placed on our shoulders instead ( I will gladly take smaller ones).

Sometimes in life we learn lessons over and over again. I can tell you that I have once again learned that Heavenly Father answers prayers in his own time (this took four plus years). I have also relearned that he has plan and will see it start to finish. We each play a role in the plan at different and the same times. Sometimes those roles are unexpected but necessary for the plan to finish.    

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