Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Little Magic

 Whew, I haven't blogged for ever..but whatever I am blogging now and that is what matters. I don't really have any excuses for not doing so, I just haven't. Glad I got that off my chest.

Now back to the real reason why I am blogging. It about Magic (and all the super powers I have) not really. Anyways a couple of nights ago Little Miss A asked me to draw the Nativity scene... Oh man I usually draw stick figures, but because I didn't want to disappoint Ava I agreed. This is what the finished product is, You can call me Van Gogh from now on.

After finishing the picture Ava told me how wonderful and amazing it was. It's defiantly not a Van Gogh picture, but it is something I  think I will keep (maybe frame to pretend like I am an artist). I dunno though. After putting Ava to bed that night, I kept thinking about the picture and how happy it made her and that made me happy. It was way out of my stick figure comfort zone, but nonetheless it brought Happiness to our home.

As I pondered more about all the little things that make children (my child) happy, I wanted to be more like her. Every time we plug in the Christmas tree she says "Mom, it's magical and beautiful". It has snowed a lot the past few weeks and each time she wants to play in it. Sometimes I agree and we bundle up others time I will do almost anything to avoid it. Each time we are out there she says how great and wonderful it is (I am thinking I can't feel my bum anymore) but I agree and we play a little longer. This morning as we were leaving for preschool she started dancing in the snow and singing. Oh man did that melt this Mommy's heart.

So the purpose of this post was to brag about my amazing artistic ability  talk about how the little things really do matter to kids and sometimes we (for me) I need to put down the phone (stop trying to take the perfect picture)  and enjoy these amazing moments with my child. I am sure at some point I will ask her to dance in the snow with me and she is going to roll her eyes at me.

I hope this season we can all take time to enjoy those little magical moments.

You also notice that I now have ads on my blog after some thought I am in the works of growing my blog and maybe making some money. But we will see,  I don't want to have to spend to much time figuring it all out. I am also not sure if I want it to keep it as my family blog or something a little different. You can send me your idea if you want. So for now it will be slow process. In the mean time, if you would like to have guest post on my blog I would love it. Also if there is topic or something I can write about for you let me know. You can email (click here to email me) and I will get back to you. ( I love Suggestions). And Apparently parentheses.

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