Saturday, December 28, 2013

Six Ans De

Did you know that I took french in high school? Saying it was a joke to me is an understatement. I took it for two years and hated it. I had these big red (like the gum) playing cards. It was my last class of the day so we always ended up playing at the end of class (I know that the teacher loved me for it). I finally got to the point where speaking burger king Spanish was going to be my second language... Oh and I worked downtown at a burger king so it was kind of a necessity to know some Spanish..

" Love is like pi....
natural, irrational and 
very Important"....
― Lisa Hoffman 

 I am not sure why my explanation to the title needed all that to be said.. Oh well six ans de means six years in french (in case you didn't know). That's right Brycifer and I have been married six years. I don't really know why I call him Brycifer because whenever I say it, the word Lucifer comes to mind. And he most defiantly is nothing like that, but I like it and it has stuck.. so whatever.  

I feel like it was just yesterday that we get married. More importantly it feels like we should just be celebrating six months and we should still be newly weds. That's obviously not the case, but hey as long as we live in the honeymoon phase of life forever it all works out... (or so we pretend).  

"I love being married.
 It's so great to find one special person
 you want to annoy for the rest of your life."
 — Rita Rudner 

I have heard people say that year one was the hardest, which it was hard. I have also heard that after year seven it's a piece of cake.. I will keep you updated on that when we celebrate eight years. I am pretty sure year six has been the hardest, there are things in life you just aren't prepared for. So even with all the crap fun that has happened this year. We have defiantly had lots of laughs and are still very much in love.. cheesy I know, but true. 

It will be the first year we haven't gone out for our anniversary. I am way excited though. Bryce is in charge of dinner and I have planned an activity from the dating divas click here for activity. I will post more about it next week. I think it will be fun to stay in. 

The little miss is still at the grandparents, so this morning I slept in until 9:30.. I felt guilty but it was super nice. 

Here are some facts about our marriage (because this is really what people blog about when writing about anniversaries). I think we should blog about all the times we almost  killed each other... that would be so much more interesting to read about. 

* Settlers of Catan is our favorite game to play... (it is also detrimental for our marriage). Last nights game proved this statement to be true... I am sore loser sometimes that is all.

* We (I) still have not mastered the art of sharing a blanket while sleeping. I had to learn to share a bed with someone. Do I really have to share my blanket? 

* In the past few weeks we have worked on making some projects (crafts) together it's been a good learning  and strengthening opportunity for us. You would think by year six we could work on projects together with out any problems. 
*Politics still lead to heated calm debates in our house.. I am glad we agree to disagree. I wonder if our kids will be more conservative like Bryce or more liberal like me. 

 *Most importantly we love each other more then last year, last month and yesterday. I am so grateful I get to spend eternity with this Goober. No one can make me more made (because really we choose to get mad) or laugh as hard as he does. He is the most amazing best friend I could ever ask for. He just gets me.

  Guess who is not happy in this picture?
 We didn't do family pictures this year. This was as close as we got. 

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